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We Are Not in Kansas Anymore

I recently went to a conference and it was such a rich time for me spiritually. I feel so convicted to share some of the nuggets that were presented to me in the hopes that maybe someone else can get something out of it as well. 

Most of these are not overwhelmingly deep. Some are very simple concepts that may even have been presented before to me but for some reason, it grabbed ahold of me now or just had a different meaning in the present time.

The first nugget was the idea that "we are not in Kansas anymore." 

We have heard that saying so many times in reference to the Wizard of Oz movie many of us grew up watching. 

This was actually a reference to our post-Covid circumstances in the church world. However, I do feel like it can be applied to our family life, friend life, and even work-life just as much as it can be applied to our church life. 

It was a simple statement. He was referencing how the church was sitting at a certain mark and then when Covid hit many churches fell from that mark and now so many pastors are trying to return to that previous point not realizing or embracing that we will never return to that previous standard. It is just simply different now. 

I remember after finishing cancer treatment I had absolutely no energy. I struggled to get out of bed every single day for about 2 years. It was horrible. Especially when I had 4 littles at the time that I was trying to take care of. I had been used to doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted in my previous pre-cancer life with no regard to fatigue. I could get 4 hours of sleep and be up the next day doing life again with no consequence to my lack of rest. (Perhaps a reason I got sick in the first place but I will leave that for another post.) 

Post-cancer, I was in a completely different world and I did not like it. However, I had to ask myself, "Is this my new normal? Is this what I am going to have to get used to and adjust to?" I remember feeling so much uncertainty and just in a place of despair really. 

I didn't want to adjust to a “new normal”. At least not this one.  I wanted to go back to my high-energy self but I didn't know if I would have a choice in that or not. 

(Side note here: Isn't it sometimes the uncertainty of it all that can also cause us so much stress or even grief?)

I feel like that time in my life is so relatable to what many are experiencing now. Since my diagnosis, I have worked hard to hold things with very loose hands as I know that everything can change in a second. Despite that being such a hard season in my life I can look back and see how God taught me so many lessons. 

First and foremost....To trust God. 

We say this. 

We say this over and over.

But do we really do it as we should?

When the rubber meets the road do we still try to do it in our own power or lean on our own understanding? 

Well in this case…. I had neither. I had no energy to even try to will myself on. I also couldn’t make sense of what was going on with my own body.  I had to trust Him with every aspect of my future - including the care of my children. 

He is a good God not just when things are going well for us but also when they are not. That time in my life increased my trust in Him tremendously because when I had nothing left He filled more than a gap. He filled a great big canyon that I had there in my life with love, grace, and mercy. 

Second…. Rely on God. 

We say this one often too and I think so many of us try our best. But just like I mentioned above when you truly have nothing of yourself left…. He is what you have to rely on to get you through. 

I remember some work we did with the homeless where a man shared with us, “When you are lying flat on your back (meaning he had no home and was living under a bridge) there is no place to go but up.” This man’s faith was astounding. He had lost everything - his business, his family… everything… due to the fact that he tried to rely on himself, and yet when he had truly nothing - his faith in the Lord grew exponentially. 

When I couldn’t rely on myself to even get out of bed, I could still rely on God. 

Third…. God always knows best. 

Isn’t there a sitcom with a similar name? However, I am certain it isn’t talking about God. We can insert any name or title that we want to in there to replace God and that person is going to fall short.

When I look back at my life pre-cancer I was not nearly as healthy as I thought I was. I didn’t eat very clean, I didn’t get enough rest, and the list goes on. Even the spiritual growth alone would have been far worth it to endure but I have also received the blessing of the knowledge and wisdom on how to lead a healthier life physically. Honestly, I don’t know if I would have learned that without going through what I have. 

There are many other lessons but these are definitely the high notes for sure. 

So as this pastor presented this concept I couldn't help but wonder about how many are struggling with this idea now?

Is this something you have struggled with or are struggling with?

Do you have a hope that things are going to go back to the "way they were" and are you struggling to embrace that things may never go back?

Does anyone feel "stuck" because they don't know how to deal with some of the changes that have come about?

There are so many things to ponder here and I think for some, they may need to even grieve some of what has been lost. 

My last question(s)….. 

So, if we aren’t supposed to be focusing on “going back”,  what are we supposed to focus on? What should we be setting our eyes and hearts upon?

If you don’t know the answer to that I do hope that you take some time to reach out to me. I would love to share my story with you and how the redeeming love of Christ has truly transformed me and I know He can do it for you too. Maybe you already have a relationship with Christ but you just need to get refocused? I am here to help you walk that out as well.

May you be blessed. 



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