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A Story of Sweet Baby Feet

I went into the room of my little boy, Cayse, the other 'morning while he was still sleeping and  saw these sweet little feet poking out from under his blanket. I was immediately taken back to seven years ago when I was actually pregnant with him.   I was diagnosed with cancer in 2011. I was placed in remission in 2012. We were told I would not be able to have any more kids due to all the treatment I had to receive so you can imagine our surprise when we found out we were expecting this sweet little man in 2014.  At that time, I was struggling every single day with fatigue. I was barely able to take care of the 4 kids I had and here God was going to hand me another baby... I was scared. Then you add our history of pregnancy loss and the fact that I had who knows what steadily pumped into my body for nearly a year prior to this pregnancy...  To top it all off, these sweet little feet.... Who would have known they would cause so much excitement. He would hold them just...
Recent posts

We Are Not in Kansas Anymore

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Choose Joy

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When You Have No Words...

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To the Mamas of First Time College Students

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Mothering My Son Even Though He’s Gone

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When God Whispers "I Love You"

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