To the mama of that first-time college student. First, take a deep breath and know it is all going to be okay. I know that is easy for me to say as that is not my child you are having to release but please know that I was sitting right where you are now a year ago. In fact, I just dropped my oldest son back off at school yesterday so he can start his sophomore year and it really made me pause and reflect. Then I remembered all that I felt the year before and knew there would be other mamas that would be feeling the exact same way this year and might need a little encouragement. So here we are. You see, I didn’t know how I was going to do dropping my first-born off and driving away. His entire senior year I would have these moments where it would just hit me that he was going to be leaving and I would get a little choked up. Okay, sometimes a lot choked up! However, my son is incredibly tuned into my emotions and I certainly didn’t want to make anything any harder on him...
christian faith writer